bouquet, poem, sweet

  • bouquet: what’s your favorite kind of flower? lilacs to the point where i got an ache in my heart thinking about them. big cone-shaped nonsensical syrupy sweet flowers in the most violent shade of dusty lavender
  • poem: write me a poem 
  • i was just going to c&p my google searches from today here but apparently i’ve searched for two hundred and sixteen things today so that is right out- excerpt from “How Today Is Going”, ktb
  • sweet: do you like candy and chocolate? hell yeah hell yeah all right all right

valentine’s day asks

arrow: how much does your happiness depend on your relationships with others?
bouquet: what’s your favorite kind of flower?
chocolate: what would you most like to receive on valentine’s day?
couple: are you annoyed by public displays of affection?
cupid: what’s your sexuality?
date: do you think age differences are a big deal?
heart: talk about your crush
hug: how comfortable are you with physical contact?
kiss: have you had your first kiss? with who?
poem: write me a poem
rose: are you romantic?
sweet: do you like candy and chocolate?
true love: do you believe in love at first sight?
xxoo: are you dominant?