
#I can’t even fucking tell you guys #how much I love Rhodey’s whole ‘rolling with it’ attitude with shit #this is what I aspire to be like #just #’got burned out of my suit’ #’rolling with it’ #’dude breathes fire’ #’can deal with it’ #’Tony has 47 fucking thousand suits’ #’I got a .45 and a green polo shirt’ #’I can do this man’#rHODEY FOR PRESIDENT (via iamwarmachine)



ILM filming explosions for the Death Star attack in Star Wars in 1977.

I don’t mean to be all BACK WHEN THEY KNEW WHAT THEY WERE DOING and I’m certainly in no position to be all THE KIDS, WITH THEIR COMPUTERS AND THEIR IPHONES or whatever, I haven’t been any further outside than the driveway today myself, but I feel it’s noteworthy that these people are doing this work, which has endured for nearly forty years and which will still be enjoyed by many for years into the future, ~~~outside, with the light of the sun on their bodies and the blue sky overhead~~~