


no but could you imagine one of the quidditch team members saying “knock on wood” and they all just hit oliver before a big match

I’m almost a thousand percent sure the Weasley twins did that at some point

what’s better is that in the uk we actually say “touch wood” so now I’m envisioning the entire team gently and quietly placing their hands on him while oliver looks around in bewilderment





clint barton is the kind of guy who can hit a fly from 100m away with a bow and arrow but if you yell think fast and throw something at him he will not catch it and it will hit him in the face


Imagine this:

Tony gets Clint’s attention, signs think fast at him, Clint is about to sign why and gets hit in the face anyway


really tho like trans dipper is practically canon

-he gets called a “little girl” in headhunters and gets uncomfortable about it
-dipper isn’t his birth name
-whole episode devoted to his manliness im crying
-plus don’t identical twins like run in families? so if stan had an identical twin the chances of mabel and dipper being identical (and dipper being dfab) are higher bc of (pseudo)science

mystery solved

Mara is definitely the kind of woman who would, at the most inconvenient of times, be like “hey, farmboy, remember that time you had a crush on your sister?”


SHE AND HAN FORM A CLUB and bring it up at the most inopportune moments

(“GUYS I SWEAR TO GOD IT WAS ONE TIME” cries Luke in the despair, his distraught tones echoing through the old hallways of the Imperial Palace while his two so-called friends snigger quietly together and continue using it as ideal argument material)

(Leia sighs through her nose for 3409580394545 years)

(except Han’s smart enough – and he warns Mara, after Luke protests in a fit of embarrassed spluttering that it was Leia who kissed him to make Han jealous – never to bring this up with Leia herself if you value your own skin.)


so hard dating multiple people in the 21st century

steve pulls out natasha’s chair for her, then runs over to the other side of the table to pull out sam’s. bucky complains loudly when he doesn’t get the same treatment and steve says he’s already sat down and he’s not walking over there again, pull out your own damn chair buck

steve just wants to share some popcorn at the movies. it’s always been his dream okay. but bucky doesn’t like popcorn and sam wants his unbuttered, unsalted while natasha demands bucketloads of butter and black pepper so everyone gets their own and steve eats his milk duds forlornly.

steve and sam on the porch. it is time. steve moves in for the kiss BUT IS INTERCEPTED BY BUCKY who not only takes the kiss but DIPS sam dramatically right in front of steve YES THIS WAS FOR THE CHAIR STEVE. natasha’s on the sidewalk snapchatting it all to clint. 

(eventually they all figure it out and decide that nontraditional dates are more fun anyways. and they take turns sharing popcorn with steve. whoever’s day it is gets to suffer through moderately buttered, moderately salted popcorn with steve brushing their fingers in the popcorn bucket and throwing them doting glances and trying to hold their sticky hand on the movie theater armrest. so high maintenance.)




TIME Magazine – October 28, 2014

What’s this we hear about military personnel being superheroes? Great to see Sam and Rhodey on the cover of TIME, and how about those hints about other less overt heroes in the armed forces? With all the paranoia surrounding the dissolution of S.H.I.E.L.D., I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re forced to ‘unmask’ or risk undermining their work. Psst, I hear one’s pretty high up in the US Air Force ranks.

Mediavengers is back!

Also, let’s be honest, Sam and Rhodey need more love in the MCU fandom, so let’s make it a goal for this cover to get more notes than any other MediAvengers post

                         (via stardust-rain)