Merry and Pippin!

  • Merry: Who would you swear loyalty to, or to whom have you already done so? i’m not comfy answering this bc i have a lot of trust issues to start off with so instead i’m going to talk about my fish. fish are pretty chill. i like my fish. i miss my fish.  
  • Pippin: Tell me about when you did something that no one thought you could do. i got myself into college and my program and that conference with zero help from anyone. before i left for frosh year, my therapist told me how proud she was and i broke down crying because i didn’t think i could do it either and i still don’t really feel like i deserve it? idk idk weird brain stuff nvm 

Thor/Jane Foster


  • falls asleep on the couch definitely jane bc exhausted science doesn’t sleep enough. once she infamously nodded off in the middle of dinner. there are forty-seven pictures tagged with her name on facebook that are just her asleep in the various computer labs of her career
  • makes friends with the neighbors both???? they’re both pretty friendly people
  • is the adventurous eater thor. mostly because he’ll eat anything to be polite. except liverwurst. that was a one-time deal
  • hogs the covers at night definitely jane, because she tends to nest because it’s fucking cold in observatories
  • forgets to do the dishes canonically it’s jane we all saw her trailer. although thor is also bad at this because he’s used to being served everything
  • tries to surprise their partner more often definitely thor bc he feels bad about being gone so much
  • leaves dirty laundry on the floor probably jane. thor is probably also bad at this bc of the whole servants thing too
  • stays up til 2 AM reading maybe both????? jane’s literally always working
  • sings in the shower neither????
  • takes the selfies maybe thor, once he gets a starkpad? jane can’t change her ringtone
  • plans date night thor does the actual planning, while jane is more impetuous and tends to order in in a whim