

If there’s an Einstein-Rosen bridge, then there’s something on the other side. And advanced beings could have crossed it!

#this was such an important scene for me#a scientist acnkowledging that magic is as real and valid as science#it’s just a matter of understand how it works#if you want to know why i love jane foster here’s a big reason#she believes#she doesn’t dismiss magic as ridiculous or made-up or nonsense#she believes it exists and she just needs to learn how it works#it’s amazing that she is so open to any possibility as long as she understands how it functions#i love jane foster so much#she matters so much (tags via dammit-mcu)


ive been trying to keep it to myself but no listen

im so tickled by steve and buckys colour schemes(provided by the actors ofc)

steve is all saturation and warmth in most of the shots-warm undertones to his skin, red lips, golden hair and vibrantly blue eyes. he really reminds me of Summer.

bucky is made up of grayish low-saturation colours-pale skin and pale blue-grey eyes, his hair is brown but not a rich hue. part of why the Winter soldier is so terrorising-all his colours are sickly and cold.

and their schemes are the complete opposites of themselves(pre-war i mean)

summer is associated with the peak of life, lushness and health, vigour. it’s also the season of happiness, energy. doesn’t tie well with a gloomy ill teen.

winter is the season of death, illness, decay, cessation. it’s thought in terms of low-key emotions, stillness. quite the opposite of the brimming with health and strength charming pretty boy bucky.

me+colours+symbolism, what did you expect


Agent Carter episode 5 sneak peek. (x)

#no but I love this so much because Dugan immediately clocks agent fuckboy #like he’s so not here for jack’s shit #but also how peggy doesn’t say anything #i mean she’s sharp as hell so she probably figured the trucks were there #but she’s also peggy fucking carter #like you bet your ass she’d march across lithuania without a single complaint if that’s what it took to get the job done #ain’t even pressed