hard work and perseverance, really really passionate about the subject, ability to get shit done?

oh damn dreaming-of-fictional-worlds those are really good and i included some of them

A KNAC REU position would give me the opportunity to do some
work with planetary science, which is not a focus at UMass. I would love to
work with Prof. Seth Redfield at Wesleyan, but I’d gladly accept any position
in the interest of figuring out exactly what I’d like my senior thesis to focus
on. KNAC, with its diverse faculty and huge array of research interests would
offer me the most opportunities to do so.  I could get a position anywhere, with any
professor and that’s really exciting. I am very dedicated to my field of study,
and took two online classes over winter break to get back on track after being sick
most of last year. I cannot imagine studying anything else or doing anything
else with my life. I feel I am well-prepared for a research position with KNAC.
By the end of this semester, I will have completed my second year of studies, four
lab courses, and taken three major math courses comprising Calc I & II and
Multivariable Calculus. I will have declared a Computer Science minor and will
have a semester of experience in MATLAB and Java. I will have been a member in
good standing of the Astronomy Club (which focuses on outreach) for two years, the
UMass Society of Physics Students (which focuses on career opportunities) for
one year, and a student member of APS for one year.

I am not a good test taker. I do, however, excel at hands-on
problem solving. I do very, very well in lab and last semester was the first
one where I have not gotten an A in lab. I have always been the person who
coordinates study groups and lab groups, and I work well with other people to
accomplish tasks in a timely manner. I am enthusiastic about what I study and
extremely dedicated to it. I take direction well and am not afraid to jury-rig
equipment, write code on the fly, or think creatively. I tend to ask a
professor for help when all other options are exhausted. I take the initiative
to seek out guest talks and go to office hours, and in January I attended the
APS Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics at Yale on my own time and
money.  I also did a lot of public
speaking though 4H and debate team through high school and as a result I am completely
unafraid of public speaking. I’ve also gone through a lot of sexism and
sexual-orientation based discrimination, and while that wasn’t super fun to go
through I think it has ultimately made me a more determined and focused person.
I am no longer afraid to speak up as soon as something happens. I would be
incredibly excited to be a KNAC Summer Fellow, and feel I am well prepared to
do so despite my GPA. Thank you very much for your time.

there’s still a copy of the third fifty shades of grey book sitting in my living room from the beginning of fall semester when my suitemate bought it at the airport “because there was nothing else I wanted to reeeeeeeeead!” and then sat down on our couch directly after meeting me for the second time ever and read it with an intensity and focus i have never seen before in a human 

she finished it six hours later

during the first big storm my roommate and i did Actual Prep and bought food and filled up our water containers and made sure everything was charged

and now we’re just like w/ever

more snow thursday and maybe tuesday? w/ever

apocalypse? w/ever