Natalie Dormer, Gwedoline Christie, Grumpy Old Man Harrison Ford and the number 6. Please and thank yaaaa.

seduce, steal from, serenade




seduce Gwendoline Christie bc I’m terrified but also very aroused by Natalie Dormer but I feel like I might die if I slept with her bc she seems like that kind of person. that would be a very good death tho

steal from Grumpy Old Man Harrison Ford bc he has not aged very well but if u had said Hot Young Thing Harrison Ford I would have slept with him in a heartbeat

serenade Natalie Dormer and hope I don’t combust from her presence

the blob, mothra, cthulu, werewolf

the blob: do you collect anything? if so, what & why? ticket stubs, bad coping behaviors, small bits and pieces of tech, animals to a certain extent, books, maps, sweaters, sparkly vintage cocktail dresses
mothra: what is something dangerous that attracts or fascinates you? oh man tarantulas lemme talk to u about tarantulas i love them so and i wish i was still able to have one
cthulhu: do you like the ocean? why or why not? i do love the ocean, i’m not sure if i love love our part of the ocean bc it’s kinda sterile, but i grew up reading a lot of pirate stories and explorers’ stories and i don’t think i could ever live very far inland like rn i’m seventy or so miles inland and it’s killing me it’s SO dry and smells weird

werewolf: if you could change into any nonhuman animal and back at will, what animal would you change into and why? a BIRD (surprising no one). maybe a golden eagle, or a peregrine falcon (thank u rescuers down under and my side of the mountain). or maybe a thresher shark bc i think they’re cool. maybe a blue whale bc i think they’re even cooler

Herbal, peppermint, Irish breakfast.

irish breakfast: what country do you want to visit? preferably all of them, but if that’s not an option Singapore, Monaco and the Canaries also fiji i really like tiny countries and islands i have only read about w/ the exception of singapore which is not terribly tiny
peppermint: what’s your favorite holiday and why? i‘m not a big holiday person. maybe new years? bc u have survived the previous year and u probably have books left over from christmas that you haven’t read yet and it’s still a pretty quiet time of year

herbal: post a selfie shit i literally just did this i’ll tag u in another one if u want

i will ask u game of thrones too since i know ur watching it right now!!!

three ppl asked me this one lmao but u were the first congrats

❤ Favorite Male: quite fond of the hound so far???? like i know he’s a bad guy and i’m not supposed to like him but he is oddly sympathetic???

❤ Favorite Female: a close three way tie between margaery, shae, and arya
Favorite Pairing: loras/renly was v nice, and robb/talisa is adorable but will probably go horribly wrong like a killer and a healer marrying??? also the whole breaking vows thing????? 
❤ Least Favorite Character:
close three way tie between cersei, joffrey, and whatsherface the creepy red witch
❤ who’s most like me:
❤ most attractive:
everyone is attractive. 
❤ three more characters that I like: 
ygritte, catelyn stark, the khaleesi