the sun, wheel of fortune, the magician

THE SUN:Your happiest memory involves driving

THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE:Something you wish you could change the overwhelming patriarchial rape culture i am immersed in 

THE MAGICIAN:Something you’re very good at uh

quoting lots of things? being a giant fucking pretentious hipster nerd? hipsters aren’t even edgy or cool anymore i’m irrelevant

the fool, the chariot, the hermit, judgement

  • The Fool: Something you’ve always wanted to try PARASAILING
  • The Chariot: A prize or award you’ve won i convinced the APS that i was a good candidate to go to a conference and then they sent me to yale so ok
  • The Hermit: Favourite way to spend a day alone i need passive social interaction to survive so probably bumming around the downtown area of wherever i am. maybe an extended period of time in a coffeeshop. if i’m home and i have a car i’d go to that bookstore in cream ridge i took u to
  • Judgement: Your favourite song(s) new politic’s weird acoustic cover of their own song IN AN EMPTY POOL is somehow so much stronger than the “real” one?????

Magnolia, Allium, Jasmine, Carnation

i already did magnolia but i love them so they are top ten favorite list along with dogwood they’re basically the same thing anyway moving on 

  • Carnation: If I handed you a concert ticket right now, who would you want to be the performer? queen
  • Allium: What’s the best thing you can cook? mmmmm idk i don’t really know how to make things that are not soup or ramen or eggs
  • did jasmine!

Tulips and Magnolias and Marigolds and Azaleas and Dandelions and Jasmine, my what a fine garden

i feel like you’re quoting something i should know

  • Tulip: For your birthday, what kind of cake do you ask for? uhhhhhh i usually get strawberry cheesecake so my nana can eat it too but i really really love vanilla with chocolate frosting. i am a simple woman
  • Magnolia: Favorite kind of candy? hard candies like peppermints or root beer barrels oh man u know those weird old-lady peppermint nougat things that show up around christmas? those. also milky ways and 100 Grand bars
  • Marigold: Do you listen to what’s on the radio? what is a radio
  • Azalea: What’s a movie you cried while watching? uh most recently i guess Interstellar bc my dad will never love me as much as fucking fictional matthew mchoughghsehey will love his fucking fictional daughter
  • Dandelion: Do you think you’re important? i am the center of the universe idk why this even needs to be addressed it’s so clear
  • Jasmine: What color looks best on you? fucked if i know

Aragorn, Legolas, Saruman, Glorfindel

  • Aragorn: What is your heritage? Do you embrace or reject it? uhhhhh well it would be cool not to have to worry about my heart failing or any of the various forms of cancer that ravage each generation of my family, or the apparently very common early dementia and cycles of abuse so i would very much like to reject that. otherwise i don’t really have any problems coming from a long line of polish farmers
  • Legolas: What has been your most unlikely friendship, and did it last? man all of my friendships are so unlikely given that i basically lived under a rock and am a very angry very broody very pretentious asshole. idk why u ppl are still around but thanks??????
  • Saruman: Do you want power? mmmmm maybe not power but i want respect like burning. that’s where a lot of my motivation to study comes from actually bc if i know more things people will respect me more, clearly. anyway that’s how my brain parses it
  • Glorfindel: Have you ever taken on a challenge others have deemed impossible and won? well when i was applying to colleges my dad was like “there’s no way you’re going to college there’s no way you’re ready” which was somewhat understandable given my hospitalization earlier that year and i got myself into an honors science program with absolutely zero help from him and was like hahahaha fuck it fuck you bye

Merry and Pippin!

  • Merry: Who would you swear loyalty to, or to whom have you already done so? i’m not comfy answering this bc i have a lot of trust issues to start off with so instead i’m going to talk about my fish. fish are pretty chill. i like my fish. i miss my fish.  
  • Pippin: Tell me about when you did something that no one thought you could do. i got myself into college and my program and that conference with zero help from anyone. before i left for frosh year, my therapist told me how proud she was and i broke down crying because i didn’t think i could do it either and i still don’t really feel like i deserve it? idk idk weird brain stuff nvm 

samwise & galadriel

  • Samwise: Have you ever done something for a friend that you would never have done on your own? mmmmmm not really? i’m pretty comfortable with lying to my dad about every aspect of my life already. i guess what i’m trying to say is that anything goes bc i’m not very moral to start out with. driving u back from the train station was a little scary bc it was so late but like i didn’t go home and hyperventilate i just thought huh that was a lil dicey 
  • Galadriel: Would you consider yourself wise? hell naw